Nowadays paruppu thengais are beautifully decorated according to one’s creativity, with mirror work etc. Also, they are filled with varieties of sweets like chocolate burfi, cashews, mysore pak.
How to make paruppu thengai at home? Making is not tedious, all you need is little patience and metal cones.
My sister makes perfect and excellent paruppu thengais. Recently, she made this for a function at our home and she sent me the pictures. Thanks for sharing the pictures Radha ЁЯШД
Crushed Jaggery
Cardamom powder
Ghee - to grease the mould
Paruppu thengai koodu (metal cones)
Making paruppu thengai is like the usual way of making kadalai urundai, pottukadalai urundai or manoharam. The mixture is filled inside the metal cone instead of shaping into balls. The quantity of peanuts vary according to the size of the cones. The paruppu thengais in picture is made with a 9" height cone.
NOTE: Make two batches. First fill one mould and repeat the procedure for the other mould.
Grease the inside of paruppu thengai koodu with ghee and keep ready.
Crush jaggery and dissolve in water, strain and make a soft ball consistency syrup. Remove quickly and add it to the peanuts. (Tip: Instead of adding the peanuts to the syrup, my grandma and mom always adds syrup over the peanuts and say the jaggery will spread well all over the nuts if doing like this). Mix well until the syrup is coated evenly.
Fill the cones with this mixture little by little simultaneously pressing it firmly with a 'keerai mathu' (wooden masher). After filling, dust your hand with little rice flour and press the bottom firmly and evenly with your hand.
While the mixture is still warm, grease your hand with ghee and shape some urundais (balls) also.
When cool, tap the koodu very gently on all sides and unmould paruppu thengai from the cones without breaking the shape, and wrap with decorative gold papers or gift wrappers with flowers on the top.
Home made paruppu thengai is ready.
Fill the cones with this mixture little by little simultaneously pressing it firmly with a 'keerai mathu' (wooden masher). After filling, dust your hand with little rice flour and press the bottom firmly and evenly with your hand.
While the mixture is still warm, grease your hand with ghee and shape some urundais (balls) also.
When cool, tap the koodu very gently on all sides and unmould paruppu thengai from the cones without breaking the shape, and wrap with decorative gold papers or gift wrappers with flowers on the top.
Home made paruppu thengai is ready.
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